Krav Maga

Imi Lichtenfeld, also known as Imi Sde-Or Founder of Krav Maga

The seeds of the unique Krav Maga Self Defense and Fighting System were planted back in the late 1930’s in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia by a young man named Imi Lichtenfeld. Imi was a natural athlete, holding championship titles in a variety of sports, including boxing, gymnastics and wrestling. It was from his father, a famous and highly respected police detective and trainer, that Imi learned street fighting skills that he would use to save his own life and those of his neighbors on the rough streets of Eastern Europe.

Prior to World War II, Imi was fortunate enough to escape from Eastern Europe. He arrived in the Middle East and began fighting for the independence of Israel. Shortly after the formation of the fledgling State, Imi was hand-picked by the government to create a practical, highly effective self defense and hand-to-hand combat system for the military. Keenly aware of the differences between sports competition and street survival, Imi developed the Krav Maga system, which was initially taught only to the Israeli Defense Forces, National Police and Secret Service. Because of its incredible effectiveness, Krav Maga has since spread to the civilian population and is now taught throughout the world.

Krav Maga is widely popular…to date, it has been taught to thousands of civilians, law enforcement and military personnel. It is considered to be the best defensive tactic system in the world because the techniques are simple, easy-to-perform, and extremely effective.

We are affiliated with the USKMA.