Posts Tagged ‘Kids Karate’

I had four new kids sign up for karate this week.  This is awesome.  But teaching kids can be hard. First you have to worry about each child’s commitment. Then you have to worry about each parent’s commitment.  Although a lot of schools just sell belts, we don’t, you have to earn them.  It should take five years of consistent training to earn a black belt in Kyokushin Kai.  Most kids don’t have the patience for this. Worse, most parents don’t have the patience.  A black belt requires a huge commitment both from the student to train hard and consistently  at least twice and hopefully three times a week,  and from the parent to drive the child to and from the dojo and to keep paying tuition, regardless of economic conditions and other demands for household income.  Then there are weapons, sparring gear, and tournaments, which require a time and dollar commitment from the parent.

I always try to show my appreciation to the parent for trusting me and investing in their kid’s enrichment through my school.  Ultimately, when you see the child make a breakthrough, whatever that may be,  learning a new kata or sparring well or any measurable progress,  it is rewarding; not at all like handing in a boring report to your boss.  When opening my dojo,  I worried a lot about teaching kids,  for many reasons,  but boy it sure beats working for a living!

If you live in the area, I encourage your to stop by and check us out. Bring in your kids for a trial lesson, I’d love to meet you & your child.

Here is a story of childhood bullying. It is a horrible story and there are many, many like it.  I too was bullied as a child. That’s why I started both of my kids in Karate at age 4.  Sometimes school administrators and teachers are helpful, sometimes not.  There are many instances, like the one in this story, where bullying becomes assault.  Everyone has the right to defend themselves.  Martial Arts is a great way to do that.  Often having the confidence that comes with knowing how to defend oneself makes the fight not necessary.  When I was a kid, my father told me that I needed to punch the bullies in the face and they would never do it again. I think my was father was right. Unfortunately, no one taught me how to do that.  Punching is a skill that is taught and learned,  just like swinging a baseball bat.

Kids Karate

Posted: October 4, 2011 in Kids Karate
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Kid's Karate Class