Women: God’s Gift To Man

Posted: October 6, 2011 in Women's Self-Defense
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I saw a Facebook post yesterday that concluded, women are God’s gift to man.  So that got me to thinking. If you want a child, you will need a woman. Hopefully you will be married to this woman, although it’s not a requirement. Likely this woman will nurture your child(ren). Then there’s the whole sex thing.  If that’s not a gift I don’t what is.  If you are married, your wife may do a lot things for you (besides sex), like cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the kids, and the animals, etc.  She may also work outside the home while doing all this!  She may listen to you complain about your day, snuggle with you, etc. My wife seems like a gift from God; a booby prize sometimes, (emphasis on boobies), but mostly a gift.

So here’s what I don’t get, many men are married to great, loving women, but they beat the crap out them.  And the women stay in the relationship.  Can someone explain this to me?  I have no experience in this.  My wife and I fight sometimes, which is par for the course. She thinks it’s scary when I yell, but I have never, ever hit her (affectionate smacks to the hind quarters excepted).  I don’t plan on starting.

I teach self-defense, and I think it’s really important for Women.  But you shouldn’t learn self-defense so you can win the fight you know you are going to have with your husband or boyfriend every Friday night when they come home and beat you like they always do. You must leave. I know it’s easy to say and hard to do, but that’s what must be done.

I started a Facebook page called Don’t Beat Women, after reading about a Saudi Facebook Campaign calling for men to beat women drivers. If you think beating women is nuts, please like my page.

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